2018 Annual Membership Meeting

January 7, 2018
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

2018 Annual Membership Meeting

Celebrating 30 Years of Feminism:  From Marching in the Streets to a Seat at the Table

When:  Sunday, January 7, 2018, from 2 to 4 pm

Where:  The Clubhouse at Cathedral Oaks Village, 651 Avenida Pequena, Santa Barbara, CA 93111  (off Cathedral Oaks Road between N. Patterson and Kellogg)


Introduction of the 2018 Executive Committee

Catherine Swysen, President

Luz Reyes-Martin, Vice President Policy

 Lisa Guravitz, Vice President Organization

Carol Keator, Secretary

 Leslie Brtek, Treasurer

Election of Returning and New Board Members

ej Borah

Madison Cuneo

Anna Everett

Lisa Guravitz

Hathor Hammett

Beverly Herbert

Amanda Hsiung

Jacqui Inda

Kate Parker

Christina Pizarro

Catherine Swysen

Emily Wonder

Presentation of the Roses Award to  SBWPC Past President and Santa Barbara Mayor, Helene Schneider

             A Conversation with SBWPC Founding Mothers

             Hannah-Beth Jackson, Lois Phillips and Susan Rose

This is a free member only event.  If you are not a member, join us at the door or on line.  Please RSVP to ej Borah by phone at (805) 898-8871 or email to eborah@cox.net.