District Elections: How they Affect You as a Potential Candidate in 2022/2024

April 21, 2022
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

District Elections: How they Affect You as a Potential Candidate in 2022/2024.

A lively discussion about finding your place at the table

presented by SBWPC Candidate Development 

When:  Thursday, April 21, 2022, 6:00 to 7:30 pm

Where:  Online

Come learn which Districts you are in and how that affects
you as a future candidate. Panelists will include women
elected in both district and at-large elections.

Click here to REGISTER

Free to Members, $20 Non-Members (includes membership)
Scholarships available: e) Lisa@sbwpc.org

Co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters, Santa Barbara