Making News

Making News

A collection of SBWPC in the news…

January 2023

Santa Barbara Women’s March Expands Beyond Abortion
Hundreds join 7th annual rally marking what would have been 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade ruling, but speakers emphasize issues are ‘bigger than Roe’ Noozhawk

Women’s March 2023 Draws Hundreds in Santa Barbara
Protests Held Nationwide on Would-Be 50th Anniversary of ‘Roe v. Wade’  SB Independent

October 2018

Time Is Up! We Need the Equal Rights Amendment. By Kathy Burba, Pam Flynt Tambo, Lisa Guravitz, and Elizabeth Robinson. SB Independent

May 2018

SBWPC stood with Planned Parenthood at the rally in front of the Santa Barbara Courthouse to oppose the proposed new “gag rule”, the administration’s latest attempt to control women. We cannot let that happen. (SB Independent)

March 2018

The Room Where It Happens – Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee Celebrates 30 Years of Gaining Elected Officials (SB Independent)

October 2017 – “A Seat at the Table”

SB Women’s Political Committee Hosts “A Seat at the Table”
Last month, the Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee hosted an event called “A Seat at the Table: Politics 101,” in which they gathered local female politicians and committee members to talk about their jobs as elected officials to encourage women to run for elected office. In this segment, KCSB reporter Peyton Stotelmyre had the opportunity to talk to several of the women in attendance. Interview on Soundcloud

September 2017 – “Equal Means Equal”

Equal Means Equal” Screening; Catherine Swysen’s KCSB Interview

September 2017 – “A Seat at the Table”

A Seat at the Table: a Fund for a Feminist Future – Launch Event Featuring 58th District Assemblymember Cristina Garcia, Edhat:

A Seat at the Table: Politics 101 – An Interactive Community Event; Edhat

March 26, 2017, March for Equality

2017 Presidents’ Circle Lunch

March 8, 2017, International Women’s Day