Standing & Ad Hoc Committees

Members of the SBWPC are welcomed and encouraged to join one or more standing committees that help select candidates to endorse, host events, raise funds, and promote various SBWPC goals.

Attendance is open to all SBWPC members except where noted. Meeting dates and venues may change, so please contact the committee chair for details.

For additional information on our standing committees or ways to get involved, call or email

Executive Board

Prepares Board agendas and transacts business as authorized by the Board and organization By-Laws. Closed meeting. 

Elections & Appointments

Identifies key elective and appointive offices and supports efforts, including recommending endorsement, of individuals sharing feminist values. Meets the last Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Tish Gainey,  Hannah Sullivan, Dana Goba Co-Chairs.

Candidate Assessment Team (CAT)

Active during each election period to interview, evaluate, and make recommendations to the Board about endorsements.  This is a short-term commitment.  Contact the Elections & Appointments Co-Chairs for more information.

Candidate Development

Works to identify potential feminist candidates for election or appointment and helps them to gain campaign skills and political knowledge. Meets the first Monday of the month at 5:30 pm.  Tish Gainey and Kate Parker, Co-Chairs

Event Planning

Organizes and plans fundraising events and other actions, which are then implemented by Board members and other volunteers. Meets the third Monday of the month at 5:30 pm. Karena Jew and Paula Lopez, Co-Chairs

Legislation & Advocacy

Tracks relevant legislation, advises on legislative actions, advocacy and outreach campaigns, tracks policy decisions and voting records on our elected representatives. Meets the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm. Leslie Brtek and Pam Tambo, Co-Chairs.


Coordinates communications for the organization, including announcements of sponsored candidates and events, social media, publishes the SBWPC newsletter, and sends news releases to media and membership. Meets the third Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm. Paula Lopez and Dr. Lois Phillips, Co-Chairs


Welcomes new members to the organization, carries out membership campaigns, and coordinates member services. Meets as needed.  ej Borah and Sharon Hoshida, Co-Chairs

Young Feminist Committee

Works to increase young feminists’ awareness of and engagement in SBWPC’s mission and core values through fun monthly networking events designed to inform and activate participation in our local political process. Meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Hannah Sullivan, Kavya  Suresh, Co-Chairs

ERA Ad Hoc Committee

Plans and strategizes for passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. Meets the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Moira Gil and Pam Flynt-Tambo, Co-Chairs