For the purposes of this position paper, the definition of “Transgender” includes all people whose gender identity, expression or behavior is different from those typically associated with the sex assigned at birth.
The Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee, in advocating full equality for women, is dedicated to the inclusiveness of transgender women’s rights as a fundamental component of that advocacy. Transgender women are oppressed on the basis of both gender and gender non-normativity, and trans women of color suffer further bias on the basis of race. Trans women face discrimination in jobs, military service and housing, and are threatened with violence more than any other gender or sexual minority. We strive to foster respect and understanding of transgender women’s gender identity and to work for their full equal rights.
We support:
- Adoption of all legislative efforts to prohibit discrimination based on transgender identity in employment, credit, child custody, housing and public accommodation, and enforcement of current laws prohibiting such discrimination;
- Introduction of policies to remove sex markers (F or M) from federal and state identification.
- Introduction of policies to increase health care access and coverage for transgender women’s medical needs including hormone therapies and surgeries if desired.
- Introduction of education efforts to improve community supports for transgender girls and transgender women and their families.
- Protection for transgender women against discrimination in all parenting situations such as child custody, adoption and foster care, and the institution of foster climates that make non conforming gender expression safe.
- Education of health care providers about the specific needs of transgender women and development of services for transgender women in comprehensive health, mental health and substance abuse programs.
- Broad education of law enforcement personnel in the management of access limits placed on transgender women, including access to public or private bathrooms, access to health care privacy and physical safety from harm.
- Programs and coalitions to educate about and help defeat anti transgender initiatives.