For many people June in Santa Barbara will be remembered as a month of gray days, graduations, Juneteenth and Pride. It also marks nine months until the March primary, which gives us a time frame and time clock to gear up for the 2024 election.
We have an opportunity to continue to build on a trend that saw a historic number of women in office. This year, women make up 28% of the 118th Congress, the highest percentage in the history of the United States. However since women make up 51% of the voting public, it’s clear we have a long way to go to achieve true representation.
According to research by She Should Run, a non-profit with a similar mission to SBWPC, women are motivated to consider running for political office because of issues that directly affect them; and that women require support and encouragement from a trusted source in order to step into the critical leadership roles they are needed in.
Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee takes pride in having been that trusted source of encouragement since we were founded by Gayle Binion, Lois Phillips and Susan Rose with 20 others including Hon Hannah Beth Jackson and Hon Lois Capps 36 years ago. We continue to work diligently through our board, our committees and our membership to achieve equality in our local and higher offices. As always, we are grateful for your support in our feminist mission.