Women of color are affected by both sexism and racism. The Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee recognizes that inequitable political, economic, cultural and social conditions can breed and foster racism which in turn exacerbates the inequity. We believe that genuine equality of opportunity for all, in all spheres, is fundamental to the eradication of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. We are committed to equal opportunities and participation for all. The work of furthering feminist values cannot be completed without examining racism and its roots.
SBWPC recognizes that racism permeates all facets of society. Therefore, each Position Paper takes into consideration the challenges of women of color. We recognize that all people are hurt by a society that tolerates racial discrimination. As racism is a complex issue, the Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee is committed to continue learning, confronting, and eliminating racism where it exists. SBWPC will work with coalitions, individuals, and organizations to achieve these goals.